Are You Happy with Your Peeps?

are you happy with your peeps

How Happy Are You In Your Relationships?

How happy are you in your relationships? Think right now about who you would call just to hang with this second and who’s call you would decline if they rang right now.  Now, who do you want to still be hanging out with when you are 80?  Do you want to be laughing, reminiscing and loving every minute? How will it feel to live like that? One more question- what are you going to do right now to make it happen?

If you do the same thing most people do, chances are you could be miserable or lonely.  In fact, you may still be as frustrated then as you are now.  It is sadly becoming normal to be divorced, astranged or feuding with loved ones.  People chose to take the easy way out and quit.  It is way too easy to move out, ignore texts and de-friend people on social media rather than putting a little effort and less ego into working things out.  Rather than fight, they chose flight.  

None of these things will get you the relationships you want- even though they are common, they are not the only way!

If you want better relationships you have to do the right thing.  Care.  Learn. Reach out. Be willing to fight! Other than your health there is nothing more important to living a quality life than your relationships.  Without health and happiness nothing else matters.  So, how happy are your relationships and what can you do TODAY to make them better?!

Call me! Learning about yourself and your loved ones, your dynamic, your mode of operation, your personalities, your priorities, your problem solving styles, your relationship styles and your dreams will change your life!  These things really are possible and with a little time and effort very probable!  Don’t take flight…call me and fight!

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Lisa Woodford Personal Coach Omaha

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