Sleep? Productive? Stress-free? WHAT are those?!!

sleep productive stress-free

Are you overwhelmed and just need ONE good night sleep? Wouldn’t it be GREAT to not be stressed and actually be productive by 9 am each day? I am SERIOUS here!!! This is SO SIMPLE and it takes 5 minutes each night…Take my 30 Day Productivity Challenge and let me know how it changes your life! The end of the school year can be CrAzY with kids, jobs, graduation parties, etc. and sometimes we wish there were 10 of us (or that we at least had 4 arms and 2 brains). Here is my challenge: Each night at bedtime take 5 min. to make a To Do list for the next day. Before you put the list down, review it and number the items in the order you want to do them or by priority. This will free your mind for a good nights sleep (ahhhh, what would THAT look like?!!) and get your subconscious started on all those items without your conscious mind needing to wake you at 4 am! Then when you wake up start on #1 and before you even get out of your bedroom you may have already checked one off your list! I know this is a common sense strategy and you have all heard it before, but have you ACTUALLY taken the time to DO IT?!?? I CHALLENGE YOU and can’t wait to hear your results! I hope it brings you restful nights, productive days and stress free time with your loved ones!

Check back with me on my Coaching page: and let me know how much you LOVE IT!

Love you all and GOOD NIGHT 🙂

Lisa Signature
Lisa Woodford Personal Coach Omaha

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