Let’s Just Walk…

Let's Just Walk

As I sit in the Seattle hospital for my third day and read the nurses’ white board for my cousin Kathy, who is on day 49 of her stem cell transplant to fight lymphoma for the second time, I am reminded of why I chose the name Let’s Just Walk for my business. Life can be full of challenges, fears,  starting points and many times the path ahead seems so daunting.  It is watching her try to just keep food in her system and not being able to even leave the hospital floor and get fresh air that puts all other life issues in perspective.  No matter what we are facing as long as we can find one kind soul who is willing to listen and support us when we are down, that is where it all begins. The notion of going for a walk, taking one step at a time and being willing to look ahead and strive for better times is what I hope to provide.  Whether it is a new relationship, an old pattern, a frustrating circumstance or a life-threatening illness, we all need someone to help us take that first step…so, Let’s Just Walk!

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Lisa Woodford Personal Coach Omaha

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