Your TRUE Self is Waiting to Meet YOU!

Your TRUE Self is Waiting to Meet YOU

Who do you know better than anyone else in this WHOLE world? When you really stop to think about that question the answer SHOULD be yourself. However, when I ask many of my clients, “Who is _______________________?” They freeze, look at me with a smirky grin and often reply, ” I don’t actually know!” And that is where we begin. My mission is to help each and every client discover who they are at their core and what they truly want out of life.

Would you like to know how to get to know yourself in the way that creates confidence, self-assuredness and, yes, love? Let’s break those down…Confidence is feeling or believing that one can rely on themselves and feel okay with WHO they are, unconditionally. Many of us have experiences or insecurities that have created shame and self-doubt, these lead to negative self-talk and self-sabotage. The other end of that spectrum is pride. Pride can show up as superiority and come off as judgmental toward others. When you are able to pull yourself out of the muck or down off your high horse and realize that you are honestly no better than anyone else, that is when you have the foundation to find true confidence…the rest comes from within. The real ingredients are knowing, understanding and accepting what specific traits you were born with and appreciating your uniqueness!

Self-assuredness is not looking for what you need outside of yourself, but knowing that you can do and manage any obstacles that come your way. It is looking forward and being willing to have your own back. Sometimes belief in ourselves is non-existent due to negative past experiences. Our worth and lack of trust in ourselves is sometimes a story we have been telling ourselves (and believing) when there is absolutely no truth to it. We all have hardships, bad experiences and relationships that we wish would have been different, yet we still let them define who we are or what we are worth in this world. That is a LIE! Nothing in our past can determine our future. 

Love is a feeling of peace, security and longing for someone or something. Feeling that you are important and something to be treasured, simply because you ARE, is self-love. This is a difficult thing for many people to do because their self-talk often speaks to the opposite and creates incoherence within that does not allow for self-love to occur. Don’t worry, this may be something new for you, but it is absolutely doable!

My mission is to help you find your true self, feel your inherent worth, learn to be authentic and find internal happiness! When you are willing to let down your guard, be vulnerable with yourself and trust that you can have your own back going forward you are on the path to finding your authentic self and I am exited to support you in that process! Are you ready to meet your TRUE SELF?

Lisa Signature
Lisa Woodford Personal Coach Omaha

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